
3rd European Biomethane Conference

In the third year’s edition of the EBC the latest trends and central aspects of European biomethane market developments will be discussed.

The European Biomethane Conference provides a platform dedicated to identifying biomethane trends and prospects in Europe. The discussion on the latest trends and central aspects from the first two conferences will be continued in 2017 with a special focus on the latest EU policy developments.
With the published draft of the Renewable Energy Directive of the European Commission in November 2016 potential framework conditions for 2030 can be envisioned for the first time. The proposed directive includes the expansion of sustainability criteria as well as mass balancing requirements for electricity and heat sectors in all member states. Furthermore, international trade activities of biomethane are gaining more and more interest across the energy industry.

The focus of the conference lies on:
• Proposal of RED II
• Newest developments in cross-border trading of biomethane
• The resulting impacts on the market
• As well as potential areas of activity

The European Biomethane Conference is organised by dena. Over the last two years the conference has attracted more than 250 participants from over 15 countries.
Be back this year to discuss developments of different national biomethane markets along with representatives from businesses, research and development, industry associations and politics.

Source and more information: DENA 
