
World LNG Forum Online - latest updates from the experts of the industry

World LNG Forum Online is a global online networking forum dedicated to LNG industry. The online forum is designed to provide latest updates and often (considering the current situation) critical updates from the experts of this industry as well as to provide the much needed networking possibilities to find the necessary service providers, manufacturers, suppliers or consultants.

With the staggering number of experts joining form Terminal / EPC / End-User / Shipowner companies the World LNG Forum Online is considered by many as the key platform for the whole LNG industry.




Global LNG Market:

Overview of the current situation in the LNG market;

The impact of the COVID-19 on the LNG industry;

Future prognosis – demand / supply / pricings;

LNG trading – opportunities and fears;

LNG Projects:

Overview of the ongoing LNG projects;

Overview of the upcoming LNG projects;

Development of Small Scale LNG Projects;

Financing of the future LNG projects;

LNG as a Marine Fuel:

Analysis of the current situation;

LNG powered vessels;

LNG Bunkering;

LNG as a Fuel for Ground Transportation:

Latest developments in transportation;

The need for a broader network of LNG refueling stations;

Challenges to provide necessary LNG refueling stations network.

Latest Technical Developments and New Solutions

